With so many available metals, the shipping industry has focused on corten steel in its manufacturing. But just what are the advantages of corten steel shipping containers? Let’s outline the most important ones…
Corten steel shipping containers have exceptional weathering resistance.
First and foremost, shipping containers need to withstand constant exposure to the elements. Therefore, they need to be able to endure the most severe weather conditions. This is undoubtedly where corden steel comes into its own.
The alloys used to make corden steel, allow a layer of rust to form. This rust coats the corten steel shipping containers, providing important protection from the weather. In fact, corten steel is also known as weathering steel. It provides the best available protection from the elements, with no exception.
Corten steel is more environmentally friendly than traditional steel.
Unlike traditional steel, corden steel is 100% recyclable. Furthermore, it’s incredibly useful in that it requires little or no maintenance. It doesn’t require corrosion protective treatments, as is the case with other types of steel. In fact, the protective layer it generates can regenerate. In other words, it’s regarded as self healing.
Corden steel also has both a high yield strength as well as a high tensile strength.
Consequently, you can expect a new corden steel container to provide you with a minimum of 20 years’ use without any problems. This makes it the ideal choice for shipping containers.
Furthermore, it makes shipping containers the ideal product to upcycle and re-use. A purpose built storage container will not have the same protection from the weather as a shipping container.
For quality corden steel shipping containers at amazing prices, contact our team today.